
Pacback Being at the head of Linux kernel and application development means access to the latest features but also often means dealing with the latest bugs. While I don’t run into major bugs often, when they happen, they cripple my productivity. Reversing individual packages is generally a slow manual process and while some tools exist, none meet my needs. In particular, support for downgrading AUR packages is extremely lacking.

Warp-CLI Warp is a CLI tool designed to make interacting with Facebook’s Warp Speed Data Transfer (WDT) pain-free. Abstract WDT is designed to provide the highest possible speed when transferring files(to be only hardware and network limited). WDT provides many advantages over most file transfer protocols including: native concurrency, end-to-end encryption, IPV6 support, and the ability to easily achieve +40Gbit speeds when supported. Unlike most file transfer solutions (Except NORM) WDT provides a native parallel solution for transferring files by separating files into chunks then queuing them across an arbitrary number of threads and TCP connections.

GDELT-Diff This small tool is designed to automate the download, orginization, and storage of GDELT source files. GDELT-Diff includes a deamon that runs every 60 mins fetching any new or missing files and sorts them into folders for easy storage. Additionally, an extremely lightweight tool is provided to maintain a copy of only the streams most recent files in /tmp/gdelt-live. This is for anyone doing real-time analysis of the GDELT and doesn’t require a full copy of the source files.