
Pacback Being at the head of Linux kernel and application development means access to the latest features but also often means dealing with the latest bugs. While I don’t run into major bugs often, when they happen, they cripple my productivity. Reversing individual packages is generally a slow manual process and while some tools exist, none meet my needs. In particular, support for downgrading AUR packages is extremely lacking.

Parallel Archiving Techniques

The .tar.gz and .zip archive formats are quite ubiquitous and with good reason. For decades they have served as the backbone of our data archiving and transfer needs. With the advent of multi-core and multi-socket CPU architectures, little unfortunately has been done to leverage the wider number of processors. While archiving then compressing a directory may seem like the intuitive sequence, we will show how compressing files before adding them to a .

Warp-CLI Warp is a CLI tool designed to make interacting with Facebook’s Warp Speed Data Transfer (WDT) pain-free. Abstract WDT is designed to provide the highest possible speed when transferring files(to be only hardware and network limited). WDT provides many advantages over most file transfer protocols including: native concurrency, end-to-end encryption, IPV6 support, and the ability to easily achieve +40Gbit speeds when supported. Unlike most file transfer solutions (Except NORM) WDT provides a native parallel solution for transferring files by separating files into chunks then queuing them across an arbitrary number of threads and TCP connections.